uploads/punctuation marks.jpg

punctuation marks 標點符號。


If you configure your odbc or sql data source to prompt for a password or to include the password in the connection string , and a user enters the password with special characters like punctuation marks , some underlying data source drivers cannot validate the special characters 如果將odbc或sql數據源配置為提示輸入密碼或在連接字符串中包含密碼,并且用戶輸入了具有標點符號等特殊字符的密碼,則有些基礎數據源驅動程序無法驗證特殊字符。

Words counting is based on chinese characters and punctuation marks , spaces not included , indicated in microsoft word . a job whose word count is less than 1 , 000 shall be charged the same as a job with 1 , 000 characters and marks 字數統計方法是:使用microsoft word功能表“工具” - “字數統計” -不記空格的字元數,筆譯資料不足1000字元按1000字元計費。

However , if the alternate attribute described below is set to shifted , then the quaternary strength level can be used to break ties among white space characters , punctuation marks , and symbols that would otherwise be ignored 但是,如果將替代屬性(在下面描述)設置為移位,那么可以使用第四級強度斷開空白字符、標點和符號之間的聯系(否則會忽略) 。

These smiling , frowning or winking faces , constructed from punctuation marks , compensate for the fact that in chat groups or e - mail all communication consists of typed words , devoid of expression or explanation 在聊天組或電子郵件中,所有的交流都由打出的文字完成,沒有任何表情或解釋;那些由標點符號構成的微笑、皺眉或眨眼等表情彌補了這一缺憾。

A graphic character that , when appearing alone or combined with others , is primarily used to represent a sound element of a spoken language , but excluding diacritical marks used alone and punctuation marks 一種圖形字符,當單獨出現或與其它組合時,主要用來表示口語語言的一個發聲元素,但不包括單獨使用的變音符號和標點符號。

In printing , a character set of given size , style and face . the set will contain lower case , capitals , small c apitals , numerals , ligatures , punctuation marks , reference marks , signs and spaces 印刷技術中一種給定尺寸、字形的字符集。該字符集包括小寫、大寫、小型大寫字母、數字、連字、標點符號、參考標記、符號和空格。

This is because , except for the use of some punctuation marks in modern texts , written chinese does not include properly seqmented words , as is the case with european languages 孫茂松和左正平的文章主要針對漢語自然語言處理中的交集型切分歧義問題。歧義問題是漢語處理中受到普遍關注的難點之一。

For example , a numeric value can be formatted in hexadecimal , scientific notation , or a series of digits separated into groups with a user - specified punctuation mark 例如,可以將數值格式化為十六進制、科學記數法或者由用戶指定的標點符號分隔成組的一系列數字。

A punctuation mark ( - ) used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word , especially when divided at the end of a line of text 連字號用于一個合成詞的兩部分之間的或一個單詞的字節之間的一種標點符號,尤其是一行或一段結束時用

An ordered set of all the letters used in a language , including letters with diacritical signs where appropriate , but not including punctuation marks 某種語言所使用的全部字母的有序集合,它包括帶有發音符號的字母,但不包括標點符號。

A shark uses its flexibly body to lay out punctuation marks during a public performance at an aquatic park in fuzhou , south china ' s fujian province december 30 , 2006 在福州水族公園里,一只鯊魚用自己柔韌的身體詮釋著各種標點符號。

The apostrophe protection society , established to defend the punctuation mark ' s place in the english language , is calling on them to mend their ways 為捍衛標點符號在英文中的地位而設立的撇號保護協會,呼吁這些公司應改過自新。

An ordered set of all the letters used in a language , including letters with diacritical signs where appropriate , but not including punctuation marks 某種語言所使用的全部字母的有序集合,它包括帶有發音符號的字母,但不包括標點符號。

In the 1970s , the character set used by most programs consisted of letters of the english alphabet , decimal digits and some punctuation marks 在20世紀70年代,大多數程序使用的字符包括了英文字母表, 10進制數字和一些標點符號。

Indicates that the character is the opening character of one of the paired punctuation marks , such as parentheses , square brackets , and braces 指示字符是成對的標點符號(例如括號、方括號和大括號)之一的開始字符。

Indicates that the character is the closing character of one of the paired punctuation marks , such as parentheses , square brackets , and braces 指示字符是成對的標點符號(例如括號、方括號和大括號)之一的封閉字符。

This includes all uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters , all digits , all punctuation marks , and some symbols 這包括所有大寫和小寫字母、所有數字、所有標點符號和一些其他符號。

The alternate attribute controls the handling of variable characters in the uca : white space , punctuation marks , and symbols 替代屬性控制對uca中的可變字符的處理:空白、標點和符號。

The first step is to list all the characters ( not glyphs ) needed for input , including digits and punctuation marks 第一步是列出所有需要輸入的字符(不是符號) ,包括數字和標點符號。